Emo Ana

Emo Ana

Hip bones

Hip bones

Long Lean legs

Long Lean legs

Flat Tummy

Flat Tummy

Monday, May 2, 2011

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder. It is where someone, usually a young female, will starve herself, abuse diet pills and laxatives, keep a food journal, count calories and exercise to the point of near death. It usually occurs in teenage females, but has been reported in males, and can go throughout their whole life undetected. Sufferers of anorexia are often so skinny you can see their bones. Their often cold and pale. This is because the blood has a hard time getting through the body due to such a low weight. They almost always wear baggy clothes to hide there "fat" and so that no one can detect how skinny they actually are. Their hair will be thin and lifeless and a lot of times fall out. Scientist have found a link between genetics and anorexia and they think part of it is hereditary. People suffering from anorexia feel as though food is poison and if you eat you will get fat and die of “the disease". Obesity. Some anorexics actually have panic attacks when near an overweight person. It sickens them. Without help 20% of people with anorexia die. 60% of anorexics recover with treatment. If you see a person that has these signs and symptoms you need to get them help. You could be saving their life.

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