Emo Ana

Emo Ana

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Friday, May 6, 2011

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder where a person will binge eat and then purge the food. Binge eating is stuffing yourself with fatty and unhealthy foods very quickly until you get so full you get sick. Purging is when after you have eaten as much as you possibly can you stick something down your throat to trigger your gag reflex so you vomit everything you have just eaten. When doing this bulimics usually use their pointer or middle finger to trigger their reflex. When this is done regularly they will have soars on their knuckles from rubbing against their teeth and their fingers will have soars from all the stomach acid that comes up with the vomit. Sometimes they will use tooth brushes to avoid the noticeable soars on their hands. There are many symptoms of bulimia. There checks and salivary glands will be swollen. The enamel on their teeth will chip away. They will have the soars on their hands. There gag reflex will be acting up constantly. They will have weight fluctuations and will most likely not be very skinny due to the intake of calories. Bulimics aren’t usually as strong willed as anorexics are. They still feel as though they need food is some way. No matter how long the food stays in their body.

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